My First Attempt At A Novel

Over the years I have just been a script guy. Let’s face it. Writing scripts are way easier than writing novels. Don’t get me wrong, that’s not the reason I write scripts. I write scripts because I love filmmaking. I want to produce those scripts into films. I have only recently tried to sell a few of my scripts but really I would love to make these films myself. I always worked on stories that I wanted to see. I don’t know if I could write a story if I didn’t interest me, say if I was hired to write something and I wasn’t “into” the idea. As a writer, I would like to think I could write anything, in a genre but I get far more satisfaction and enjoyment if it’s an idea or story that I was really excited about.

Anyway. Getting off topic a bit. I came up with a great science fiction story back in 2007 called “Deadstar”. I wanted this to be my first shot at writing a novel but I had a few other scripts I wanted to write first so after writing some basic outlines and a few short stories involving some of the main characters, I put it on the shelf. Fast forward to 2013. I have just finished the first part of Deadstar. Manuscript writing is touch man! You have to put EVERYTHING in it for the reader. The action, what that character is feeling, inner thoughts, outer dialogue. It’s crazy! At least for someone that has primarily written scripts. I mean, you put a little of some of that stuff in scripts but not much. Producers, directors don’t want that in scripts so they have the freedom to create based off your words. I get that. But manuscripts are a whole other animals all together. I found it extremely challenging when I began the novel. As each page was written it got easier but it’s still a dog of a challenge.

I will say I have put the novel down for the meantime. I have every intention of completing it but in the now I am focusing on a new script. Another thing I have always wanted to do is write a love story which I am doing now. I really like the idea. So much so I am planning to film it myself next year. I will explain about it in a future post. It’s gonna be killer!


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